
  1. Hackathons solve problems:-In the hackathon ecosystem, a problem is considered a “probortunity,” or a problem that gives way to an opportunity Hackathons instill that very same lesson. While there are different end goals surrounding a hackathon, such as building an app, system, software, the purpose is always about finding a solution to a real-world problem through collaboration.
  2. All for one, and one for all:-Hackathons are open to everyone, not just coders or computer science students. Hackathons are a made up of a diverse and dynamic group of builders, creative, programmers and designers. Hackathons offer an opportunity to learn, grow and pick up valuable technical skills they will need for their future careers. Knowing how to program in the modern age is becoming a second-hand skill for Gen Z.
  3. They have an interpersonal impact:- While hackathons are solutions-based, they also serve as an opportunity for both extroverts and introverts to foster relationships and social and interpersonal skills while engaging in something they have a shared, genuine interest in. “People from all types of socio-economic backgrounds gather under one roof to learn how to be effective on a team,” says Swift.
  4. They cover the “Three C’s.”  It’s a community that prides itself on encouraging attendees to take initiative on the project at hand and challenge themselves to critically think of a solution. They leave feeling competent of their newly honed skills, conscious of others around them and confident in themselves. For young people still shaping their self-identity, there is no better feeling than knowing they contributed to something that will help others.
  5. It’s just getting started:- As the technology  culture grows, the more vital it is for parents to become educated and help reshape the public ethos surrounding the hackathon. Organizations like Major League Hacking are creating a space for students and companies to cultivate skills, technical and social, that they will carry with them for their entire careers.